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Testimonials (hands-on course)

Following below are Famous Educator testimonials.

Hands-on Course - Specific Testimonials:
For course specific testimonials, click on links in the right-side block of this page -->

Jay Kennedy, DC

I had been exposed to the ATM  since 2002 at a trade show and was impressed but wasn't sure it was really necessary for my practice (I think years ago I thought that about x-ray also!!)...When I saw the advertisement again in a Chiropractic magazine several months ago I didn't hesitate... as some new competition and several recent "failed" patients were starring me in the face! ...  

Brian Mulligan, PT FNZSP(Hon), Diploma M.T.

"I am using the ATM2 device in my rooms and am duly impressed. The ability with this apparatus to reposition the pelvis etc with the use of straps is ingenious and when appropriate it will enable pain free movement to be regained. It will certainly have a place in the management of back disorders as it offers a new and exciting dimension to the therapies currently available. Any device or technique that will, at the time of application, enable functional movements to be undertaken without pain has my full support. Two of the indications for my 'mobilisations with movement' techniques are no pain and immediate improvement in function and the ATM2 certainly meets these important criteria."

I’ve been using some of the principles from your course concerning the shoulder and getting great results especially in pts who haven’t responded to other therapists interventions.  It’s been great fun!

I also wanted to ask if you were going to send the software you mentioned at class a couple weeks ago.  I think it will greatly simplify our data collection.  The only thing is though we won’t be doing any more data collection until next semester so I wondered if you can remove the time out feature.

Guy Annunziata DC


Simply Remarkable!. The results have far exceeded my expectation.

Sandy Burkart, Ph.D. PTDana Van Pelt, PT MBA LATCSDr. Burkart and Dana Van Pelt have developed an integrated movement system called Orthometrics. This innovative therapeutic approach uses low load training principles to kinesthetically program functional movement patterns to modulate pain and spasm and to bring about a balance in the sensory motor system. Enhancement of functional outcomes is achieved by:

Since I have used the ATM2 I have an extra tool to help people with acute and chronic spinal pain .As an accredit Mulligan Concept Teacher in Europe I know how important it is, if you mobilize a joint , to combine the passive reposition of the bones with active movements (mobilization with movements MWM). Beside repositioning the pelvis by using the ATM2 the ATM2 gives the therapist/practitioner also an extra possibility to stabilize the pelvis during isometric muscle contraction, which is unique and which you can't reach without using the ATM2 .

Sharon Weiselfish, President CenterIMT

I have been using the ATM concept and the ATM2 in my clinic for some time now.  I am still truly amazed at how the ATM2 has very easily integrated into our therapy philosophy that we have used regularly for over two decades at The Center for Integrative Manual Therapy and Diagnostics. 

At my clinic, the fundamental premise of Integrative Manual Therapy is in locating and treating the cause of a dysfunction. One of the body's most amazing attributes is its' ability and propensity to heal itself. Most health problems, whether minor or chronic, simply come down to blockages and other dysfunctions that prevent various aspects of the body from self-healing. 

Bud Ferrante, PT, OCS, Carmel, CA

As an orthopedic physical therapist, I have been using the PR3000 in my clinic and have found it to be one of the most effective methods for improving spinal motion in a variety of pathologies, syndromes and conditions. It is safe, and extremely effective. My patients line up to get on the apparatus, and request time on it due to the amazingly simple protocols for relieving back pain, stiffness and segmental restrictions.

The most impressive characteristic is the ability to improve low back range of motion and improve postural alignment with one session. It would appear to be a new application of spinal stabilization in a functional, weight-bearing position, which is the final goal of all spine rehab programs.

Don Chu, Ph.D., PT, ATC, CSCS, Castro Valley, CA

The PR3000 has proven itself to be an invaluable tool for the treatment of both acute and chronic spinal conditions here at Stanford University. Ther PR3000 allows us to treat athletes with outstandingly quick results. We have even been able to return athletes who have had multiple levels of disc lesions to practice and competition more quickly than with any other standard rehabilitation protocols. In any high volume situation such as a Sports Medicine Clinic like ours, it is imperative that your interventions be effective and allow for early return to play. The PR 3000 has filled that role and is allowing us to treat effectively. We would all like to increase a heightened sense of responsibility for their own care amongst our athletes. The PR3000 is a tool that lends itself to this end.

The concept of a vertical treatment table is a very functional way to transition patients to self care.

Erich Breitenmoser, DC

I have been using the ATM2 for several months now and I am totally impressed by how quickly it will get a patient out of pain. Many patients that didn't improve under chiropractic care would respond very quickly with the ATM2 machine. I called it my secret weapon. Thank you BackProject for bringing this very unique and effective piece of equipment to the chiropractic profession.

I have successfully used the ATM®2 to treat 133 clients to date. The clients have ranged in age from 17 to 84 years old. The medical diagnoses that I have treated using the ATM®2 include the following: