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The ATM® Concept was not created in a vacuum. It is based on multiple widely used, researched, and well accepted concepts. These concepts include the Mulligan® Concept, Active Straight Leg Raise Test (ASLRT), and Muscle Energy Techniques (MET). Furthermore, the ATM® Concept can be viewed as an extension of the most famous researchers and educators in physical medicine. This includes Brian Mulligan, Robyn McKenzie, Stuart McGill, Craig Liebenson, Freddy Kaltenborn, Paul Hodges, David Butler, Shirley Sahrmann, Moshe Feldenkrais, Bud Ferrante, Sandy Burkart, Diane Lee, and many more.

The ATM® Concept has being introduced in person to all the above researchers and educators, except of course Moshe Feldenkrais, Freddy Kaltenborn and Robyn McKenzie. Some have embraced it and none have dismissed it. Typically they explain it in the same context of their own respective teachings.

It is almost like a universal concept in that it fits with all other related research, primary concepts and teachings in Physical Medicine. This may explain the almost miraculous outcomes you can predict when using the ATM® Concept. Essentially, it takes all the good from many other concepts and leaves their limitations behind, so that it is left over with something that looks totally new but in fact really is totally in line with what already exists. This may be the reason why none of the big name researchers have yet to dismiss this concept and some have endorsed it without any compensation or other personal interest.

With regard to specific ATM2® research, although it is in-progress, and has some very favorable outcomes, some of which is already published and some is in progress, it is still in its infancy.

For this and other significant reasons, we also focus on a different type of evidence which is gaining momentum mostly outside the USA:

To best understand this type of evidence, please click here to read an article by the Royal College of Physicians (UK) describing a prestigious meeting they host once a year, in which Professor Sir Michael Rawlins was the key note speaker. Sir Michael Rawlins is the chairman of the UK's National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence. This organization is chartered to make decisions on who gets which medical treatments under Britain's national health system. The decisions they make have critical consequences to patients, their families and society, very much like, I'm guessing, your decisions have on a smaller scale.  In his lecture, Sir Michael attacked the traditional way of assessing medical evidence. He pointed out several areas in which traditional (Random Controlled Trials (RCT’s) are inappropriate due exorbitant cost and time requirements. The first area where RCT's are impossible is for rare diseases, and the second area where it is unnecessary is for treatments that produce "dramatic" benefits.

Being able to eliminate pain for almost all common back, shoulder, pelvis, hip, knee and neck patients in just a few minutes while on the ATM2, followed by 50% to 100% post session pain relief and or increase in pain-free range of motion, the ATM® Concept and ATM2® systems certainly fall under the category of producing "dramatic" benefits.

Combining the above specific, measurable, and immediate outcomes we tell clinicians to expect with our unprecedented indefinitely extendable money back guarantee is really the ultimate evidence. This is where the money hits the road. This is how we put our money where our mouth is. If the ATM2 did not produce the outcomes we tell you to expect, we would be out of business.

Finally, one last thing to consider. If you were to critically review the research for almost any technique, device, or procedure that is done in physical medicine (including invasive procedures), you will find very limited poor evidence in its support. Unlike many other companies, BackProject® does not sponsor, fund, compensate or participate in any peer-reviewed published research. Doing so will almost always results in favorable, and of course not so believable outcomes - to say the least.