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Is core stabilization really effective for back pain? (2-CEU)

To fully understand all aspects of the ATM® Concept, you are cordially invited to view the first part of the ATM® Concept and ATM2® web training program. In this seminar you will learn how it is possible to "alter muscle activation patterns" in order to achieve "immediate pain reduction" 1

Seminar Invitation - Recorded - 2 CEU/Hours (see details below)
This seminar explains why core stabilization exercises do not yield the outcomes many researchers and clinicians had hoped that they would  2-4 , and proposes an alternative to these commonly taught and prescribed core stabilization exercises, so that immediate, significant, and lasting results may be achieved on a consistent and predictable basis. 5   (i.e. pain elimination during intervention, followed by 50%-100% lasting pain reduction and or increase in pain-free range of motion for lumbar, thoracic, cervical, shoulder, knee, hip, and pelvis common pain).  See references below.

Seminar Description
This seminar is designed to provide clinicians with the understanding of Core Stability and the inherent limitations in traditional core stability exercises. It introduces the principals of motor learning to explain why common core stabilization exercises do not yield the outcomes researchers and clinicians originally anticipated.  The seminar introduces a new concept as an alternative to common core stabilization exercises, and provides all the evidence necessary to rationalize it’s clinical implementation.

Educational Objectives
At the conclusion of this seminar, clinicians will understand how it is possible to:
  1. Consistently transition painful movements, ranging from mild to severe, to become 100% pain-free in just a few minutes for almost all common acute and chronic common pain patients.
  2. Transition a patient's Central Nervous System's (CNS) firing patterns from pathological to normal (pain-free) in just a few minutes, and prove this, using a simple hand-held sEMG system.
  3. Immediately increase athletes and patients ROM and possibly also strength, by just optimizing their CNS (no end-range stretches used), and to prove this by using an electronic inclinometer system.
Teaching Methods
  • Recorded audio, video and PowerPoint presentation (1 hr 20 min)
  • Video of live demonstration (10 min)
  • Personal review and evaluation with seminar instructor over the phone (30 min)
Seminar Outline
  • Core Stabilization
  • Diagnosis
  • Neurology
  • The Alternative
  • Evidence
  • Business Aspect
  • Demonstrations
  • Review and evaluation
References / Recommended Reading (click below to open each article)
  1. Ikeda, D.M. and S.M. McGill, Can Altering Motions, Postures and Loads Provide Immediate Low Back Pain Relief: A Study of Four Cases Investigating Spine Load, Posture and Stability. Spine (8/6/2010).
  2. Lederman, E., The Myth of Core Stability. Pain Association Journal, 2007(23): p. 8-20.
  3. O'Sullivan, P., It's time for change with the management of non-specific chronic low back pain. Br J Sports Med, 2011.
  4. Wellens, F., The traditional mechanistic paradigm in the teaching and practice of manual therapy : Time for a reality check. 2010.
  5. Hoffman, S. Is core stabilization really effective for back pain? 2009.
  • .2 CEU (2 hours) credits are approved for California physical therapists per the California Board of Physical Therapy.
  • 2 general CEU credits are approved for California chiropractors as an approved California PTs CE.

$18.00 (limited time offer)

If after attending this seminar, you believe it was not worth the $18 tuition fee and your time, then just telephone BackProject in person and we'll refund your tuition.

Registration & Participation Instructions
  1. Click here and proceed to Check Out.
  2. Upon completion, you will receive an e-mail with a link to create your password.
  3. A 2nd e-mail will contain a direct link to login and view the seminar.
  4. Upon completion, contact BackProject to schedule a review & evaluation in order to complete CEU requirements.
  5. For assistance, you are welcome to call BackProject at (408)730-1111 x812.

Underwritten by BackProject®